Day Camp
July 19 @ 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
$40Age Group: Completed kindergarten thru 4th grade.
Sign Me Up!Registration will be 9:00 – 9:30 AM. Please eat breakfast before arriving. We will hava a snack mid-morning and then lunch at noon.
Your camper will receive two free items from the snack shack during afternoon freetime.
SWIMMING – Our swimming pond depth ranges from 0 to about 3 feet and has a roped off swing area that is about 6 feet deep. All swimming time is supervised. We do have life jackets available, but you are welcome to bring your own. Life jackerts aren’t required.
What to Bring to Day Camp
Please bring a backpack or bag with a swimsuit, towel, sunsrean, flip-flops or watersocks. You may also send a life jacket. We have life jackets on hand if needed.